Use Color Echoes to Make Delightful Garden Music
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I've put together a gallery of gorgeous images with lots of examples from creative gardeners just like you, who are creating inspired gardens using the simple but effective method of strategically repeating a color to lend coherence, draw the eye, and create a cohesive and lovely garden scene.
If you're a Seattle-area subscriber, I want to let you know about an upcoming event. I'll be presenting "Honing in on the Best Plants for Your Garden" at the Wednesday Evening Lecture Series put on by the Northwest Horticultural Society, next Wednesday, November 8th. You can get the full details here.

If you're in or around Seattle area, I hope to see you there! If you do make it, please say hello—I love meeting eGardenGo users.
Become a Patron
eGardenGo is all about conjuring artful, as well as practical, plant combinations to share with our users. If you've been at this garden thing for awhile, you might use our site as a springboard for your own creativity. Or if you're just starting out, build confidence by adapting one of the combinations that includes a planting plan to your garden.
Happy gardening,
eGardenGo LLC, P. O. Box 13682, Portland, OR 97213, United States

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