This message shines a spotlight on recently added plant combinations, winter container ideas, and winter-blooming Camellias.
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Explore plant combination ideas on

With the quiet season upon us, I've been settling into my winter's work. I put a lot of thought and effort into creating the planting designs featured on I truly enjoy creating new planting schemes, updating and improving upon previously published plant combination ideas, and generally devoting focused attention to the site. I aim to populate the site with vignettes that rely on plants with different shapes, a variety of foliage colors, and a mix of textures to provide interest throughout the gardening year. And I almost always include plenty of flowers to provide beautiful color, delicious scents, and fodder for a variety pollinators.

I strive to create planting schemes that are pretty and practical.

There are hundreds of plant combination ideas on the site that you can browse using a variety of search criteria. For example, you can narrow your search based on your cultural conditions; find landscape solutions to common design dilemmas; and explore based on your aesthetic preferences. Some plant combos have detailed planting plans available to download for a small fee.

I hope the combinations that I've singled out below will provide inspiration as you mull over what to tackle in your garden in the new year.


Looking for beauty and inspiration in the wintery season? See below for ideas for winter container gardens, and a round-up of winter-blooming Camellias to be on the lookout for.

Easy Care Plant Combo with
Fantastic Foliage

Easy Care Plant Combo with Fantastic Foliage

Foliage-Driven Plant Combo

Plant Combo for Sun with Fab
Foliage and Summer Flowers

Plant Combo for Sun with Fab Foliage and Summer Flowers

Very Narrow Garden to Create Two-Sided

Very Narrow Garden to Create Two-Sided Screen

Camellia season is in full swing! There are lots of pretty Camellia that do well in Pacific Northwest gardens. This slide show is a sampling of varieties that I've seen in and near Portland, Oregon.

Camellia: A Catalog of Common Varieties
Watch The Video

Creating an eye-catching and spirit-lifting winter container garden can be quick and easy. And really almost anything goes, plant-wise—as long as it looks good in winter.

Practical Tips for Creating Winter-Worthy Containers

Until next time!

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